What Not to DO

Our minds are exceptionally powerful and capable of building a life that we want. We need to realise this and consciously practice this till we start feeling and living by it. As more and more awareness is being created around, there are various techniques, methods and practices that have been shared. Talking about an area that has come up frequently in my conversations with self and others.

Having a positive mind frame is an essential ingredient in the journey of life. And while it is important to understand how to get there, what’s equally important is to be aware of the roadblocks- things those pull us down or get in our way.

One such thing ensuring a limiting life is  “Comparison”. Comparison with others for what they have, what they get and feeling life is unfair to us. This we can say is the third category after the optimists ( who see the glass half full) and pessimist ( who see the glass half empty) , who constantly see other’s glass and their feelings about self are always relative.  

And trust me we all have been in this category- Consciously or unconsciously this bug creeps from somewhere and hits us all the time.

The open world that we live in today, where there is an overdose of exposure, the pressure on being the best or winning always makes it difficult to just focus on self. It has become very easy to be looking into others life and not feeling happy about ourselves and what we have.

For some this comparison, is evident in the form of jealously, while for some it is that unsettling feeling that occupies us after hearing or seeing something about others.

Its very easy to slip into a self-doubt mode when you see others being ahead or better in what they do- this self-doubt even before we realise gets translated into anger, irritation and harsh judgements, taking us away from who we are.

The comparison bug has is so strong that it has become extremely important for us to prove that we are ahead and doing more all the time.

My life is not better or worse than yours, it’s my journey and so is yours.

Everyone has a journey, for feeling empowered we need to focus on just ours.

Looking at others for inspiration is healthy but constant comparison is the perfect recipe of being in misery always by being haunted by the thought “ I am not Enough”. Unless created an awareness about it continues to pull us down by making us miserable at the hand of limiting emotions.

The only healthy comparison that I can think of is – comparison with self. It’s about being a better version of self each day . We need to remember it’s not a race with others, it’s a walk with self.