The new Superpower

“The Rabbit and The Turtle” – We all have grown up hearing this famous story teaching us slow and steady wins the race.

Today, when I reflect back on this story, I have a whole new respect for “the turtle” – for now I understand what being steady truly means. It’s not just about consistent and persistent efforts, it’s also about believing “You are enough “It’s the ability to walk towards your goal at your own pace, without any comparison, without any self-doubt creeping in.

There was no one cheering for the turtle, yet he kept at what he had to do. His competitor was way ahead of him which did not flustered him, didn’t push him to do anything extraordinary or get caught in self-doubt. He completely was comfortable in his skin and did what he could with all his focus.

The version that I play in my head- even if the rabbit would have reached the end, turtle would have continued to walk towards the winning mark. As defeating the rabbit was not his goal but to reach the destination was.

In our so-called race of life today doing just this, seems to be very difficult. It’s not easy to believe ourselves enough as we are, there is this constant effort of doing more, doing better, doing faster. And this constant struggle burns us out day in and day out, forcing us to live out of self-doubt.

 Today’s competitive world we have huge dependency on validation – either internal or external. Any deviation here, makes a quick room for “I am not good enough “ thought to creep in.

The turtle knew that his opponent runs faster than him, yet that was not an excuse for him not to participate in the race. But many of us do this – even before trying we would accept our defeat. It’s easy to do that, we just have to silent a part of us forever. What is difficult is to keep ourselves alive and kicking, to nurture and strengthen the belief “I am enough” As I am.

I am enough – for I am walking, I am enough for I have not given up, I am enough for I am making progress towards my goal at my own pace, free of judgement, free of any pressure.

And this acceptance my friend is the new superpower- “I am Enough” as I am. Fully accepting our self and doing best what we can do is the new superpower for today. This is the power that makes us live more fully and completely.

Each have their own journey, and our journeys are as unique as we are. Let not “winning” or “ being better than the other “come in our way of being us.